Support Virtuo in implementing a low-carbon policy – V.Park-Compans

ELAN has been supporting Virtuo since 2017 in its efforts to obtain BREEAM environmental certification for their real estate projects and also advises Virtuo on how to implement practical sustainable development policies.

Calculation of the ICU score, nudges and low-carbon strategies are examples of the major work carried out by the two partners…

Watch the following video of Alan Bragado, Consultant in Sustainable Construction at ELAN to learn more about this promising collaboration.

Head office
2-22 place des vins de France
Hall C – Bât.N°8 – 7e étage
75012 PARIS
+33 (0)1 40 21 19 60

Lyon office
Espace Wojo Lyon-Part Dieu
Bâtiment Silex
15 rue des Cuirassiers 69003 LYON

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